Bruce, grew up as a highly withdrawn, intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a child prodigy. So, with some calculations we can conclude Hulk can exert upto 54,880,000N of force when casually punching. He first appeared in May 1962 in thedebut issue of the incredible hulk #1, he was created by comic book industry titans, writer Stan Lee and the legendary artist Jack Kirby both of which made contributions to the creation of numerous golden and silver age of comics characters. Not to mention that The One Below All is stronger when it feels the anger and sorrow of others. When he's so incredibly angry, his mind becomes a scary place to read or approach. The One Below All Hulk, or simply TOBA Hulk, is an entity or a dark cosmic being that devoured Bruce Banner, who fell victim to the Gamma Bomb. [20] When the sun rose, the One Below All was able to appear in an ominous cloud-like form and was soon ready to take control of Bruce's body. Hulk was ranked as 9th on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011. The Hulk jumps towards the Galaxy Master, still directing the gamma radiation back towards him. Bruce regained consciousness and everything seemed fine until the sun went down and the Hulk made his first appearance,before Rick Joneses eyes Bruce Banners skin turned grey and he grow in size and muscle density until he towered over rick. Can swim at a speed of 80 knots which is over 90 mph (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #33). The X-Men's attempts to use sleeping gas to calm him down fail (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #455). Seems like a really simple way to beat the Hulk(wonder why everyone doesnt just do that? Special weapons and tactics squads try firing bazookas at Savage Hulk ". [1], The One Above All's only weapon is love;[16][5][2] however, it can also manifest itself as a demonic entity called the One Below All, whose only weapon is hate. Laws set forth from Above declare that only he may now reverse that decision.[22] Master Order, whilst observing Adam Warlock alongside Lord Chaos, said: And may the Supreme Will smile on the golden warrior. Warlock later recounts how he was called to judgment by the Living Tribunal, who he describes as the servant of the One who is above even gods.[23], The Cosmic Cube Kubik, on a tour of reality displaying various higher powers to Kosmos, upon meeting the Tribunal, told her that while it is the most supreme power which can be comprehended, "logic would indicate that the Tribunal itself is but another servant, but of what none dare imagine. Survived being punched into orbin by an amped Spider-Man (from the Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #328). Once having been pulled apart and put in a collective of several different jars only to compel his body to come back together by sheer force of will (from Immortal Hulk #8). Unless you're wanting to put him up against characters of other properties, such as DBZ, DC, whatever, then it becomes a case of how you want to scale each property's own super capital G Gods. And I will be alone.Breaker-Apart (One Below All), Being a manifestation of the One Above All, the One Below All doesn't possess a mind of its own, only the desire to become the sole remaining presence in the Multiverse. toba hulk powers and abilities - . We do nothing that either Eternity or Infinity would object to. [6], In the far future, the One Below All managed to destroy the soul of Bruce Banner and possessed the body of the Hulk. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. (from Hulk: The Movie Adaptation). In this case, TOBA Hulk was defeated by other Hulks when they separated Leader from TOBA, the entity that doesnt have its own mind when it is alone. The radiation coming from the Hulk was enough to give Banner's love interest. Forums. The Gods of Asgard and Olympus join forces to defeat the evil force, including Hulk. [2], What you see is what I am to you. The One Below All is a separate alter ego of The One Above All and has desires that are the complete opposite of the desires that The Above All Has. Sentry, the most powerful hero on Earth, used his psychic powers to make people forget he existed and Hulk still remembered him (from Sentry Vol 1 #5). While fighting evil forces, Hulk accidentally kills his father, Brian, and immediately forgets about it. He hooked them up to strange, plant-like structures so they could act as a device to channel gamma energy into the One Below All. It was here revealed that the One Above All, also called the "Above-All-Others", exists beyond time and space, and alternates between appearing as female and male. The mystery frightens and disgusts me. Can accurately sense temperature and air quality. I see through many eyes. Matching Drax the Destroyer who was in possession of the Power Gem (from. Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk, first transformed into a superhuman when she had no choice but to go through a blood fusion from Bruce after being shot by a mobster . The Hulk is one most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe since his powers increase with his rage, because of that he is capable of matching the power of beings like Thor and severely overpowering beings such as Silver Surfer, the Hulk is able to go far beyond universal levels of power, perhaps at his best, Multiversal feats. Punched through a time storm, something that even Kang's time machine couldn't (from. [19], When the Hulk arrived at the Below-Place, he was split from Bruce Banner,[20] whom Brian took captive with the intention to make him the new vessel for the One Below All and bring the Earth to the Below-Place. (note to all the would be cannibals out there, dont eat someone who has a ridiculously powerful healing factor), Apart from cutting your way out of the Hulks stomach it seems the best way to beat the Hulk is to calm him down to the point where he reverts back into Bruce Banner(maybe some jokes?) Walked through and resisted Cyclops' optic blasts. May the One-Above-All forgive you! [9] One Below All possessing Leader Leader managed to enter Banner's mindscape and force Banner and the remains of the Devil Hulk persona into the Below-Place. Hulk writer Jeff Parker offered his own explanation in a tweet, stating, during transformation he pulls in ambient gamma energy and converts it to mass., Writer Greg Pak described the Worldbreaker Hulk shown during. The Red Door no longer acts as a functional barrier for Hulk's resurrection (from Immortal Hulk #45). She-Hulk Powers And Abilities. The Hulk absorbed the power of Pandora's box which is explicitly stated to be 133.45 x stronger than Hercules, who states he can shake the universe, and can hold the weight of the entire universe. [19] These abilities were able to be "passed down" to the Leader when he tricked Brian and consumed his essence. The future in which Breaker of Worlds managed to destroy all life in the Universe never happened, all because of the meddling of Leader. Not bad, but Duelist already gets something similar and Stalwart gives you a straight +1 all the time for 1 level. Its primary purpose is also to destroy each multiverse and wipe the slate clean so that it may rebuild existence as its light alter-ego, the One Above All, which means it is kept locked away until the One Below All is ready to bring the end to each multiverse.[7]. Has destroyed an entire city just by stomping really hard, "shockwave causes devastation for miles" (from Incredible Hulk Annual 2001). Has overwhelmed threats who have overpowered him by getting angrier. With this mouth I howl. The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. Hulk is among the most popular and powerful Marvel superheroes, and over the course of his long comic history, many versions of the Jade Giant have been created. Wolverine explains that Hulk is basically a walking earthquake (from Wolverine: Origins Vol 1 #28). [5] He is also omnipresent (as all things are mere extensions of himself),[30] and omniscient (as he knows everything),[30] and is above all cosmic powers and abstract entities, even the Living Tribunal. Increasing not just his usual abilities but also on occasion his size. Power Stone Controls all of the power in the universe. Somewhat ironically, he could be a destroyer without moving a muscle, since he charges up and emitting the radiation he absorbed by simply existing. Has dropped from a planet's orbit and been completely unhurt (from Marvel Team-Up #54 and Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #104). The other difference was because of the horror genre influence the Hulks powers originally manifested after the sun went down, similar to the Wolfman, but thankfully it evolved to the point that the Hulk manifested when Bruce got angry. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In his comic book appearances, the character, who has dissociative identity disorder (DID), is primarily represented by the alter ego Hulk, a green-skinned, hulking and muscular . Upon discovering Bruce Banners secret identity and the cause of his transformation, the generals extreme hatred of the Hulk would see him become the very thing he detested, and after exposing himself to Gamma radiation on purpose he became the Red Hulk. The Hulk enters into the Galaxy Master and all the radiation emitting from the Hulk's body cause severe problems with the Galaxy Masters internal system and it destroys him, Generated enough force to power the shield that was able to stop the planet-destroying force of Exitar's feet temporarily, After the malevolent personality of Bruce who took control of the Hulk persona was about to fight The Abominations, the personality increased the Hulk's rage to a level that he gave out huge amounts of energy from his eyes, cells reproduce so fast it seems that way, and the madder he gets, the more his system speeds up. Hulk senses a radioactive cave and has Banner return to it (from Immortal Hulk #2). The Hulk strains mightily--his boundless rage growing with every instant! We know that TOBA has the ability to manipulate extreme gamma radiation and to take possession of gamma mutates. As a face of TOAA, aka Marvel's mega, extremely capital G God, TOBA Hulk basically IS God then. ",[16] During an encounter with the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, the cosmic entity Eternity told Strange: "I and my brother, Death, comprise all of your reality, mystic! Hulk decides he will choose his own path and takes everyone and the Leader to escape the Below Place. Tanked gravity two billion times stronger than the gravity of Earth. [18] After a brief battle with a now-emaciated Hulk, Gamma Flight arrived and Absorbing Man's possessed corpse used the distraction to flee towards the area where the original gamma bomb had been detonated, absorbing all the ambient gamma energy in the area. Neither he nor I are God, for God rules all realities! This implies that he can transform at will (from World War Hulk: Gamma Files #1). It's fundamental nature is to be the ultimate good. His very meddling in the affair caused the future never to happen. Fin Fang Foom is radiating the mystical power of 17.34 of hercules blows, the radiation is enough to kill the continent, and only Hulk can absorb it (from Incredible Hulks #635). toba hulk Hulk usurped the dictator and become their ruler, taking Caiera as his wife. Of course, in true comics fashion, Hulk gained a lot of versions of his character, and one that excited fans was The One Below All Hulk, which first appeared in the Marvel comics in 2018. Usually the Hulk possessed little of Banner's memory and intelligence and was easily enraged (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #1). Well you wouldnt believe the answer, it turns outs he can lift a mountain range, shatter a planet with a punch, pull a planet back together, there is literally nothing guy cant do(except beat Zeus in a fight, but hey Zeus is the king of the gods, right?). [14], As the supreme being within the Multiverse,[19] the One Above All is omnipotent[16] and presents himself as all-powerful. or if you are the Batman, just use knock out gas and hit him in the solar plexus really hard so the Hulk has to breathe the gas in. Your email address will not be published. A thunderclap from She-Hulk that moves Thor doesn't move him at all (from Immortal Hulk #47). Took enough radiation to kill a hundread men in a second. The Hulk Heals over His own Hand (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #430). TOBA himself does not have powers to create, but he does have the power to destroy, annihilate devour and twist the creations others have put forth.As an abstract entity, and the one that acts as a counterweight for TOAA, its hard to exactly define what the powers and abilities of TOBA are since they are most likely limitless and go far beyond the scope of our comprehension. Pushed through Vector's full power blasts (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #277). The Hulk got his name from a comic book character named The Heap who was a large green swamp monster. Tanks getting blasted by rays which could drain the power of 100 men. His ability to home in on the New Mexico bomb site was due to his latent ability to sense astral forms and spirits, since the bomb site was also the place where the Maestro's skeleton was and the Maestro's spirit was calling out to him in order to absorb his radiation (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #460). When the alien, Par%l, tried to make contact with the Breaker of Worlds in an attempt to reason with it, the alien instead met the abstract form of the One Below All which told hir it wanted to "Make all hollow as I, dark and dead as I" and killed Par%l. Can force feed his energy into these machines at a rate too fast for them to handle, and they promptly overloaded and exploded (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #464). Smashed through the Red Door, returning to his body all by himself (from Immortal Hulk #45). Knocked Superman into space. Vapor morphs into searing acidic gases and enters Mindless Hulk's lungs. *, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Even I, son of one of the mightiest of all gods, find it impossible to conceive of such levels of power! Brian managed to talk Bruce into visiting Los Alamos military base where the first accident with the gamma bomb happened, Absorbing Man met him on the scene and absorbed all of his gamma energy. The more he fights--the stronger he becomes!" Her skin is capable of withstanding tremendous pressures and temperatures, falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury. Matches power and withstands attacks from Galaxy Master, a foe with planet-splitting power, not once but twice (from incredible Hulk Vol 1 #112-270). Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. The Absorbing Man soaked up the gamma energy and transferred it into the Hulk, allowing him to regain his strength just as he was being overwhelmed by the demons. [8], The One Below All summoned a horde of demons whom the Hulk confronted along with the Rick Jones manifestation. He's a veritable blast furnace of limitless organic energy! 2. Far more than multiverses even! Even Emma Frost and Professor X couldn't control his mind. When powerscaling cosmic entities, especially ones that have never lost a direct one on one fight, things tend to get a bit opinion based. (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #107). Was able to save Iron Man by running at faster than eye speeds (from Indestructible Hulk #2). I turn my face towards you.One Below All, The One Below All is the source of the mutagenic form of Gamma energy that creates Gamma Mutates while being the cause of how Gamma energy can seemingly do almost anything and break the rules of science and nature. Has regrown his neck after the Maestro snapped it during the future imperfect storyline. First appearing in Eternals #14 by Jack Kirby, this robotic Hulk merely emulates his flesh and blood counterpart in every way. In this case, TOBA Hulk was defeated by other Hulks when they separated Leader from TOBA, the entity that doesn't have its own mind when it is alone. Possess danger sense as he was able to know that. Copyright 2023 Comic Basics, a property of Incomera d.o.o. Therefore, it cannot harm or destroy things directly. In spite of his nervous system being badly dissociated, Banner/Hulk can willingly control each of his individual body parts as if they were still part of his uniformly whole physiology (from Immortal Hulk #8). Superhuman Speed, this one seems kind of obvious in retrospect but is still a little surprising, the Hulk can run over 300 hundred miles an hour, although as he grows angrier and more powerful, his footfalls cause more and more damage to the ground, causing the ground to break apart under him, thus giving him no traction (so it's easier to jump a While calm, he is capable of leaping roughly 3 miles. Almost breaking the East Coast and also threatening to break the entire planet by the emission of raw energy from his body (from World War Hulk #5). On more than one occasion, the Hulk has nearly jumped into orbit. 65 As a member of the Avengers, "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", Hulk helps smash the unimaginable threats that no hero could face alone, hoping to at least prove to the world that he is the strongest HERO there is. TOBA cannot create anything, and despite playing by the universal rhythm of a game as old as time, TOBA still has goals of its own, and it uses its avatars aka gamma mutates to achieve them. It then went on to kill the likes of Franklin Richards, Galactus, Mister Immortal, and many others, thus becoming the only being left in the universe. With the possession of the body of Hulk, The One Below All became TOBA Hulk, a devourer of the strongest beings in the Multiverse. Hulk asks why, but the One-Below-All simply asks Hulk the same question, "Why are you as you are?" Even when restricted by the Green Door, the One Below All's power greatly eclipses that of other demonic entities such as Mephisto. Certain images that appears on this site comes from Amazon Services LLC. We know that it has the ability to devour whole planets, abstracts such as Eternity, and other living beings.TOBA is primarily fed by negative emotions such as sadness, grief, anxiety, and anger, the more negative emotions TOBA can feed on the more powerful it becomes. Overpowering Thor on numerous times, including fracturing his skull Thors skull and. A stronger version of the Hulk Punch, this sends foes flying (like Thor) and in the Marvel vs Capcom fighting games it can be used as a wall bounce. Encountering the Leader protected by a fortress he had built, the Hulks proceeded to rip out a depowered Leader from inside of the One Below All, returning the One Below All to its original state as a near-mindless force of nature. And my weapon is hate. He also killed Bruces mother, Rebecca, in front of the little boy and later ended up in the mental institution. TOBA himself does not have powers to create, but he does have the power to destroy, annihilate devour and twist the creations others have put forth. Dark reflection of Creation / Embodiment of Destruction. This is referenced in, The One Below All cannot create or make anything as creation is against its fundamental nature. The Incredible Hulk is a character created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby in 1962, in response from fans who indicated that their favorite character was the Thing (Lee also created the Fantastic Four). During this time, Brian began acting strange, causing tensions to escalate between the two. His newfound level of strength was enough to throw Hercules and Thor away by a mere flex of his muscles, and he is capable of leveling a mountain with an ability called Gamma Burst. The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. However, much like his physical strength, the Hulk's stamina does increase as he becomes angrier. There is no limit to how angry the Hulk can get (and absorbing radiation). Killed 6 near-omnipotent beings. I have made of this a thing of hate. Hulk grew so furious that his ambient energy started tearing the Earth apart. It is not a natural part of the multiverse but outside of everything and a dark reflection of existence. Blasts ( from the Hulk has nearly jumped into orbit Leader to escape the Below place after the Maestro it! Searing acidic gases and enters Mindless Hulk 's resurrection ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # )! Not bad, but the One-Below-All simply asks Hulk the same question, why... Than eye speeds ( from Indestructible Hulk # 47 ) of 100 men, still directing the gamma radiation to... Hulk 's resurrection ( from Immortal Hulk # 2 ) force when casually punching 1 level all a! Consumed his essence veritable blast furnace of limitless organic energy from She-Hulk that moves does. 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